HTTP API transactions


HTTP API classes for interfacing with the LXD API.

This module leverages the composition pattern, providing 3 main classes:

  • API: the entry point for dealing with the HTTP API,
  • APIResult: returned by requests made with API, it represents an HTTP transaction.
  • APIException: raised when the server responded with HTTP 400.

The API object wraps around requests, note that its constructor takes a debug keyword argument to enable printouts of HTTP transactions, that can also be enabled with the DEBUG environment variable.

classmethod API.factory(endpoint=None, default_version=None, **kwargs)[source]

Instanciate an API with the right endpoint and session.


# Connect to a local socket
api = lxd.API.factory()

# Or, connect to a remote server (untested so far)
api = lxd.API.factory(base_url='')
class lxdapi.api.API(session, endpoint, default_version=None, debug=False)[source]

Main entry point to interact with the HTTP API.

Once you have an instance of API, which is easier to make with factory() than with the constructor, use the get(), post(), delete(), put() or request() directly. Since request() is used by the other methods, refer to to request() for details.


api = lxd.API.factory()'images', json=data_dict).wait()
API.request(method, url, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Execute an HTTP request, return an APIResult.

Note that it calls APIResult.validate(), which may raise APIException or APINotFoundException.

If debug is True, then this will dump HTTP request and response data.

Extra args and kwargs are passed to requests.Session.request().

If the server responds with HTTP/400 then an APIException will be raised. It has the APIResult as result attribute and has the error message from the server as error. It looks like this:

APIException: GET http+unix://%2Fvar%2Flib%2Flxd%2Funix.socket/1.0/operations/1c34b923-57c8-4fce-b349-e4a1c61b8803/wait?timeout=30 Error calling 'lxd forkstart pylxd-test-container /var/lib/lxd/containers /var/log/lxd/pylxd-test-container/lxc.conf': err='exit status 1'
API.delete(url, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Calls request() with method=DELETE.

API.get(url, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Calls request() with method=GET., *args, **kwargs)[source]

Calls request() with method=POST.

API.put(url, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Calls request() with method=PUT.


The purpose of this lib is to help the user to have feedback from HTTP transactions. If anything fails, it should help a lot to re-run the program with the DEBUG env var, and such output will be printed out for every transaction:

PUT http+unix://%2Fvar%2Flib%2Flxd%2Funix.socket/1.0/containers/pylxd-test-container/state
        "action": "stop",
        "timeout": 30
} HTTP/202
        "status": "Operation created",
        "status_code": 100,
        "operation": "/1.0/operations/70eb42bf-5e79-42de-8230-2162e9e8b612",
        "type": "async",
        "metadata": {
                "status": "Running",
                "err": "",
                "status_code": 103,
                "created_at": "2016-06-23T15:05:45.435413676+02:00",
                "updated_at": "2016-06-23T15:05:45.435413676+02:00",
                "class": "task",
                "may_cancel": false,
                "id": "70eb42bf-5e79-42de-8230-2162e9e8b612",
                "resources": {
                        "containers": [
                "metadata": null


class lxdapi.api.APIResult(api, response)[source]

Represent an HTTP transaction, return by API calls using API.


API object which returned this result.


JSON data from the response.


Request object from the requests library.


Response object from the requests library.


Return a string with the request method, url, and data.


Return a string with the response status code and data.


Recursive status code checker for this result’s response.

If the response’s status code is 404 then raise APINotFoundException.

If the response’s status code is anything superior or equal to 400 then raise APIException

It’ll use validate_metadata() to check metadata.


Recursive function to check status code for a metadata dict.

Each metadata may contain more metadata. Each metadata may have a status_code, if it’s superior or equal to 400 then an APIException is raised.

This is used by validate() which should be used in general instead of this method.


Execute the wait API call for the operation in this result.



class lxdapi.api.APIException(result)[source]

Raised by API on HTTP/400 responses.

It will try to find the error message in the HTTP response and use it if it find it, otherwise will use the response data as message.


The APIResult this was raised for.


class lxdapi.api.APINotFoundException(result)[source]

Child of APIException for 404.